Saturday, September 29, 2007

Children's Discovery Gardens

Early in the month I met one of my old roommates, Sarah, and her two kids, Jackson and Paul, at Thanksgiving Point for an afternoon out. We went to Children's Discovery Gardens, which I had heard is a fun place to go, but I was disappointed with it. If I were to go again, I would definitely pay for admission to the main gardens which then include admission to the Children's Discovery Gardens. One of the cool things about Children's Discovery Gardens is the Noah's Ark sculpture which has a splash pool around it. It was drained when we went, so the kid's weren't able to play in it, and due to the recent outbreak of cryptosporidium infection (which causes severe diarrhea) only potty trained kids would have been allowed in the water (which would have knocked out Paul, my Jackson, and Mason from splashing around). That was our first disappointment. Another sad thing was that we were the only people in the gardens which lessened the kid's enjoyment (at least it lessened Jefferson's). Even with the disappointments it was still fun to get together with Sarah and we at least ended the outing on a happy note by going to the Soda Fountain for ice cream and frozen yogurt.
Here is one pictue with Jackson in the shadows and a couple of Jefferson (the other kids wouldn't cooperate):

1 comment:

Angela Draper said...

How fun that you got together with Sarah! Wish I could have been there too.