Monday, March 30, 2009

Sorry folks, "Busy Season" (end of January through the beginning of April) keeps Nate away from home 70+ hours a week (more like 80 this year) and makes me a very busy and tired person at home, especially with the addition of a newborn. Therefore, updates* have not been as often as I had hoped once Jenson was born. Only a couple more weeks of busy season to go, so here's a few pictures of the kids to keep you happy until then:

*Not that I had updated the blog much for the several months prior to busy season, but back then I was pregnant and completely zapped of energy.

Hooray, I'm Clean! (Right after his first full-on bath)

Fascinated By Their New Little Brother

Spiky Hair!

I love those Eyes!

3 - 4 Weeks

Silly Boys

Mason: "Take some pictures! All done."

7 - 8 Weeks

Before and After: