Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Jefferson's First Day of School

Wow! Jefferson is now officially a kindergartner! Yesterday was his first day and no matter how much I pleaded with him to let me drive him to school, he insisted on riding the bus. He does love buses, after all. He was quick to get on the bus when it arrived, so quick that I missed getting a good picture. Here are some pictures of before school and getting on the bus:

The school assigns each bus a picture, so that kids can more easily remember what bus they ride. Jefferson was stoked (okay, that's an old-school word these days) to find out that his bus home is the "airplane" bus. He sure won't have any trouble remembering that. Here's a picture of him getting off the bus after his first day:

He really enjoyed his first day. His teacher sent home a fun-size bag of M&M's with a little card with questions to ask for each color M&M. The card read:

My First Day of Kindergarten
A Rainbow of Fun!

Have your child open the M&M's and choose a color. Read the question that goes with that color of M&M. Have fun talking with you child about the first day of school.

Red: What is you teacher's name?
Orange: Tell about a new friend in your class.
Yellow: Tell about your favorite thing you did at school.
Green: Tell about the rule you learned at school today.
Blue: Tell what letter you learned at school today.
Brown: Retell a story that you teacher read to you today.

It was a struggle getting the answers out of Jefferson and even then he didn't give me an answer for all of the questions other than "I don't know." But, I probably got more out of him than I would have without the M&M's. Here's what he did say:
  • There's a boy named Brian who has hair the same color as mine (dark brown).
  • That his favorite things about kindergarten were: Riding the bus, playing on the playground, and meeting new friends. (Hopefully he'll add some educational stuff, like reading, to the list as time passes.)
  • The letter for the day was M.

He couldn't remember the rule they learned, didn't want to talk about the story (must not have involved cars or trucks or trains, etc.), and couldn't remember his teacher's name (to give him credit, it is a hard name to say for a kindergartner).

He had a great first day of school and as a treat I made his favorite meal for dinner: Macaroni & Cheese. He didn't even give me a hard time at bedtime once I reminded him that he had school again the next day. He happily got on the bus again this morning and had a great second day. I'm sure he's going to be sad when Saturday comes and he doesn't get to ride the bus to school that day.


Anonymous said...

He looks so cute (with his massive backpack) and really grown up! I can't believe he's a kindergartner now. (sob, sob) I'm excited for him.

Anonymous said...

Ahhh! How did we end up so old that we have Kindergarteners! Ahhhh! Where does the time go? --Audra