Sunday, December 30, 2007

The Giant Dog and the Ewok who loves it

Mason fell in love with his giant dog the moment he laid eyes on it. He pulls it around the house and is sad that he can't sleep with it in his crib. He's our major stuffed animal lover and since his "special" stuffed animal (the one he's had since he was a newborn) is a dog, he's especially fond of the dog variety of stuffed animals.

Here's Mason showing off his catch and giving some love to his giant dog (while also holding 3 of his other dogs:

He also got a really cool monkey blanket from Nana and Pops that he wasn't sure about at first (he was a little overwhelmed from all of the presents) but now loves to wear. When he walks around it it and you don't see the monkey face, he looks like a little Ewok. It's so cute:


Sherrie said...

That's funny. So now that the holidays are over...we are thinking of coming out of hibernation. Although with this weather I'm tempted to go back to sleep for three more months. We should do dinner!

Angela Draper said...

What a cutie! Ellie would also love that big dog and I love the monkey blanket. How fun!

Audra said...

Jovie is all about the doggies as well, but she does not have one that big! That is cute he moves it around! I like the monkey blanket. We have a bunch of hooded towels like that...the kids fight over which ones they get every bath time.