Thursday, December 6, 2007

The thoughts of children

Jefferson has said some funny things lately that I thought I'd share.

The other day Jefferson informed me, "daddy won't let me have a sister." And I said, "yeah, daddy does think that, but he doesn't really get to choose." Then Jefferson got real close to me and said with really earnest yet concerned eyes "how much does a sister cost?" I laughed a little laugh before telling him that you don't buy sisters in the store. That didn't seem to help because he said, "how do I get a sister then?" I told him, "well, if you are meant to get a sister, you'll get a sister." He seemed to accept that.

Another recent day Jefferson was playing with his brothers and Mason was doing something that was annoying Jefferson to no end (you get back what you give!) so Jefferson came up to me and said,"I don't want Mason as my brother anymore. I want to trade him in for a different baby." I told Jefferson, "Mason just loves you and wants to be like you so he was just trying to do what you were doing." Yeah, didn't help Jefferson much, but it's true!


Sherrie said...

We laughed long and hard at that one.

Audra said...

That is so cute! Well, if you really think about it, you CAN buy a sister... hahaha! This is coming for the adoption momma (see my blog, more kids in the works)!

I bought Jovie a "twin sister" ;)! An old man once said to me, "How much did you have to pay for those little cuties?". He thought they were actual twins and that is just an old man thing to say. I just replied, "Well, this one was free, but this one did cost a pretty penny!" He looked confused!

So, come on Jen... buy him a sister ;)!

Jennifer said...

Yeah, I did think of that, but I really wasn't interested in explaining adoption right then to Jefferson and so it was easier to say that you can't buy a sister. And technically Jefferson cost us $800 to bring him home, Jackson was about $2200 and Mason was about $2500 (yeah, we miss the insurance we had when Jefferson was born), so in a way, if he does get a sister we will be "buying" her no matter whether she comes out of me or is adopted.