Sunday, May 11, 2008

Preparing For The Terrible Twos

I gave Mason's blanket and dogs a "bath" on Friday. Mason WAS NOT HAPPY with me. He didn't care that his dog smelled so bad you could practically smell it across the room. So, for almost 2 hours Mason cried or sulked around, while waiting for his precious dogs to be free. I had to take some pictures and video of his tantrum because I just couldn't resist capturing the event.
Here's a picture and some video after he realized that I put his dogs in the washing machine:

Here he is right after I switched the load over to the dryer:

Here he is a bit calmer, waiting for the dryer to finish:


peter5 said...

So so so funny. Conner does a similar fit when I put his "gangkit" in the wash. His trial is a bit more torturous because we have front loaders with windows so he can see the blankie going around and around.

Jilene said...

my lauren is the same way. she cried when i have to wash her bear bear. but now she is only allowed to have it at nap and night, so we are having that fight right now. so much fun!!!

Heather H said...

Oh too sweet! Our Olivia is the same way with her special blankie.