Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Misc. Summer Fun

Here's a catch-up post covering some of the things we did this past summer.

We saw a firetruck and ambulance at the State Emergency Preparedness Fair:

We also got to see a firetruck at a local firehouse when we went to their "Reading with a Fireman" day and got a demo from a fireman:

We saw a demonstration of some Native American dancing outside a local museum:

We watched some fireworks on two different occasions in July (the 4th and 24th-aka Pioneer Day), and did some running around:

And we even played on some riding lawnmowers at Lowe's:

That's just a small snippet of some of the things we did this past summer. I'll post more about a couple of our other activities later. So even though I've been too tired and lazy to update the blog lately, we weren't completely lazy this summer.

1 comment:

Audra said...

My kids always get exposure to firemen because we always seem to have to call them. Sigh... just a few weeks ago I locked my two 2 year old in the car, and of course they bring the huge truck out when all I needed was a guy in a car. But I will not complain!

Looks like they had a really good time!