Friday, August 31, 2007

Early Intervention

Jackson is in "Early Intervention" to help with his speech and motor skills. He has been slow to talk, although he says more words than we realize- we just don't always recognize them since he often leaves out the consonants- and he still seems to walk more like it's new to him, rather than like he's been doing it for a year. We are lucky that our school district has such a good program to help with these issues. Here is a cute clip from his last home visit:

The EIS (Early Intervention Specialist) was playing some games with him that work on eye contact and reactions and this one was when they were playing with a popper. Jackson loved the popper and would go into a fit of laughter everytime it popped (but chose to not laugh as much once I got the camera :( ). The EIS just loved Jackson's reactions and thought he so fun to work with. Unfortunately, she's not our regular EIS, just a substitute while our regular one is on maternity leave. (Maybe I should call and request a switch?)


Angela Draper said...

That's awesome that they have EIS out there. We had Ellie in a program when she was little for some physical therapy. Luckily everything is great now. I hope the home visits keep going well!

Anonymous said...

Lettie is in speach therapy. She says a ton, but talks to fast that she does not ununciate (how do you spell that?) So, we have been going around making the K sound and trying to get her to put T D and Ps at the end of her words! -Audra