Saturday, December 29, 2007

Christmas Part 2- Opening presents

Yay! Present time! Jefferson jumped right into pulling presents out from around the tree and piling up all of his. We sorted a bunch so we could start a couple rounds of opening presents. We started out by doing rounds of youngest (Mason) to oldest (my dad) but we realized that since the kids had so many more presents than the adults, we needed to do a bunch of kid-only rounds. And then it became apparent that we needed to do some Jefferson-only rounds since he had several little things that made his total number of wrapped presents larger than his brothers (poor Mason and Jackson). Mason initially was only interested in stepping on the boxes but he soon got in on the paper-tearing action. Jackson was satisfied with the first present he opened (a Thomas the Tank playdough set) and it took a bit to get him to continue opening other presents. He got several Thomas the Tanks related things, so he definately was happy. Jefferson got several Transformers and was ecstatic about that and he also was way excited to finally get a scooter- and a Hot Wheels one at that! Mason very much loved the giant stuffed dog he got and the Monkey blanket from Nana. He was also excited to get a ride-on toy. All in all it was a great Christmas morning and the kids loved everything they got.

Nate got everything he needed to perform oil changes on the cars himself, a wireless mouse for his laptop, plus some surprise gifts- a Lithium-Ion drill, a trifle dish (he LOVES trifle), and a new snowbroom with bonus scraper (yay, now I can have mine back for my car!). I got a couple books (The Goose Girl, Fablehaven), some new games (the updated Cranium WOW, Last Word, Whoonu), a calendar, and a bunch of clothes.

Here are pics of the kids while opening presents (the first one was from Jefferson sneaking down as described in Christmas Part One):


Jeanette said...

It's at times when little kids play in the snow that it makes me want to move somewhere that Sam can play in the snow too! But then I remember that I don't like being cold! I'm such a California Girl. Maybe someday we will make it to some snow...I just have to make sure I'm wearing several layers on my toes so they don't get so cold!

Anonymous said...

Did your mom give you the gift we sent? I know that last time, she gave it to you in, like, July.