Tuesday, February 5, 2008

A Playgroup for Jackson!

Jackson started a playgroup at Kid's On The Move last week. I'm excited for him to have more socialization. He doesn't have much experience with kids outside of nursery on Sundays and his brothers. This will help him learn turn taking, sharing, interaction, and other social skills. I'm sad that his time with KOTM is almost up. He leaves the program when he turns 3- which is only a short 4 months away! They have been such a great help in providing Jackson and and the rest of the family the education and guidance he needs to improve his speech and language skills. He has really improved leaps and bounds since he started with KOTM.

1 comment:

Sherrie said...

It's nice when the program works! I'm glad you guys have had success, we have loved most of our early intervention and wouldn't be where we are today without it.