Thursday, April 10, 2008

Jackson's Talking Again!

After a month and a half of illnesses going around our house, we are finally all healthy!!! When he first got sick at the beginning of March, Jackson had stopped talking and was also being extremely stubborn about doing ANYTHING for himself, which was getting really old, fast. He's now back to his normal self- with the exception that he is now talking up a storm. He must have saved up all of his words that he hasn't been using the past 6 weeks so that they could just explode out of his mouth. It's a refreshing change. He's really getting into opposites right now ("Car go up, car go down") and is still obsessed with the alphabet. He's going to be an early reader. I just know it. Whenever I practice Jefferson's sight words with him, Jackson insists on taking a turn. He also already has Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See? memorized word for word, and will "read" it to himself over and over again.

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