Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Jackson's Last Day of Class

Yesterday was the last day of the playgroup Jackson has been going to at Kids On The Move. He's had a lot of fun since he started in January and made a lot of progress.


Jeanette said...

Your playgroup looks way fun! The one I visited as a potential for Sam last week is not near as impressive! Plus they have a two month wait list. I'm getting frustrated with the system, and am tempted to enroll her in something myself...but then that means I would have to pay for it! Argh!

Jennifer said...

The first picture is during singing time- they do a bunch of interactive songs- we were singing "The Wheels on the Bus". The parachute was only brought out maybe 3 times in the 4 months. The last picture is in the motor playroom.
That's a shame there's such a long wait. Jackson didn't start playgroup until January because I didn't even know about them until then. Before that he just had the home visits.